The Clutter-Free Circle offers a supportive membership designed to provide the encouragement and accountability necessary to transform your home into a serene retreat by decluttering & organizing.

Sign up today for a FREE one-month trial
and experience all the hands-on benefits!

  • Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by all the endless tasks and clutter at home? 
  • Do you wish that you could get help to feel less anxious?
  • Do you want your home to feel like a peaceful sanctuary where you'll feel lighter?

By de-cluttering & organizing you'll find inner calm and peace as you transform your living spaces.

  • Freedom from Chaos: Experience freedom from chaos as quick de-cluttering delivers serene living spaces in just hours, freeing you from overwhelming clutter.  
  • Freedom to Focus: De-cluttering allows focus, transforming spaces into serene environments conducive to productivity and joy, guiding your energy towards what truly matters.  
  • Freedom from Overwhelm: With hands-on guidance from a home organizer, you'll be able to transform your living spaces with ease and say goodbye to burnout with efficient de-cluttering & organizing techniques, freeing you from overwhelming exhaustion when tackling clutter. 
  • Freedom of Maintenance: Perhaps most importantly, maintaining lasting peace and order, ensuring serene living spaces where you thrive with ease, thanks to learned strategies.  Your path to a tidy home is just a click away!  

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you frequently find yourself uncertain about where to begin with
    de-cluttering and organization of your home?
  • Battling to stay motivated?
  • Facing challenges in finishing on time? 
  • Lose an item then wind up buying a new one?
  • Struggling to maintain focus on your tasks?
  • Do you struggle to decide what needs editing?

Did you answer yes to one or more questions? If so...

       then the 'Clutter-Free Circle' is for you!

When you pay as you go, you get:

  • a spot in the exclusive membership list- We aim to create a welcoming safe space where you can freely inquire and discuss both the challenges you face and the progress you make.
  • motivational monthly challenges- Each month we'll work towards your goals to live clutter-free and organized.
  • private community- to support you and keep you accountable on your organizing journey - connect with other members, and get inspired by their before and afters.

When you pay in full, you'll get:

  • motivational monthly challengesfor 1 year, from the time of sign up we'll work towards your goals to live clutter-free and organized.
  • Plus-2 Free months to help you generate unstoppable momentum..... And Keep It!
  • private community- to support you and keep you accountable on your organizing journey - connect with other members, and get inspired by their before and afters.
  •  a spot in the exclusive membership list- We aim to create a welcoming safe space where you can freely inquire and discuss both the challenges you face and the progress you make.
  • PLUS- 3 Bonuses


1. Whittle Your Wardrobe- 3 strategies to simplify your closet for every season or virtual meeting
2. Yoga and meditation practices to enhance your concentration and peace of mind as you journey towards a tidy home
3. Time takes time- 6 key questions to ask yourself before starting any area

When you pay for VIP, you'll get:

  • a spot in the exclusive membership list- We aim to create a welcoming safe space where you can freely inquire and discuss both the challenges you face and the progress you make.
  • motivational Monthly challengesfor 1 year, from the time of sign up we'll work towards your goals to live clutter-free and organized.
  • Plus- 2 Free months to help you generate unstoppable momentum..... And Keep It!
  • private community- to support you and keep you accountable on your organizing journey - connect with other members, and get inspired by their before and afters. 
  • full access- to Crack the Clutter Code course 
  • strategic sessions- monthly 1-hour 1:1 sessions
  • weekly availability- for communication via Voxer for one week each month

The peace you'll get in this membership: 

  • Om Sweet Om -pride is what you'll feel when guests drop in to visit you & your beautiful, newly organized home.
  • Monthly coaching with challenges to address any roadblocks that often stop you dead in your tracks when de-cluttering + organizing
  • Additionally, our group will provide you with a sense of accountability
  • Starting each day lighter 

 Monthly membership challenges &  private community.

12-months of membership challenges,  3 bonuses, pay in full 1 year get 2 months free & private community

Crack the Clutter Code course,  12-months of membership challenges, one hr. 1:1 once a month, 1 week a month on voxer  2 months free & private community

5% of VIP sales will be donated to my favorite charity, St. Judes Children's Hospital